Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Breakfast w/ Santa (& photos too!)

On December 4th, 2010 we will be having another fundraiser.
It is a Breakfast with Santa and we will be offering Pancakes, Sausage, and drinks for $5.00. Also available will be Photos with Santa for $5.00 each.
Upon each persons arrival, they will be entered to win a group of 4 tickets to Columbus Zoo or a Car ticket/pass to enter the Safari located in Northern Ohio.
There will also be baked goods being sold as well as ornaments made by some of our very own Northwest Elementary students.

We hope for a great turn out and hope to see many of you there!!

Thanks and God Bless!

A little late but better late than never...August's Softball Tourney

The slow pitch Softball Tournament went really well. The rain held off until the championship game but that to was able to be determined. Lots of people came out to play and help and it was all greatly appreciated.
Lots of teams came out to play and we had grub being served as well.
It took place in Oak Hill at the girl's softball field and we were able to have two fields going at the same time which allowed us to cut our tourney down to one day instead of two.
It was a good time and all seemed to have lots of fun!